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Admin user role
School Edition products have an optional Admin role, which has access to all students and all teachers on a license. Admin also have special features unavailable to Teacher users. To add an Admin to your Accessibyte account, you must contact Accessibyte to request Admin access from the teacher email registered to the account.
This role is totally optional. Individual teachers and smaller groups of teachers may not need Admin access.
In some cases Admin are teachers, though not always. Some schools have a point person who manages technology for the school. This person would be a wise choice for an Admin.
Additional Admin Features
- Teachers List access
- Create Teacher account
- Delete Teacher account
- Limit seat count per teacher
- Reset Teacher password
- Access to all students on the license
- Reassign students between teachers
- Lock license
- Import Teachers list from CSV
- Import Students list CSV
- Additional export options for Teacher and Student data
Accessing Admin features
Once logged in, an Accessibyte Admin will have full access to the Teacher Dashboard. The additional Admin features can be found in the Teachers List, Students List and My Account sections of the dashboard.
Importing from CSV
Both Teacher and Student accounts can be created individually or imported from a CSV file. This is useful if you are importing a large quantity of teachers or students. Each teacher or student being imported will require a seat on the license.
From either the Teachers List or Students List, find the “Add New” button and activate the dropdown. From there you will find an option to import. The imported file must be a .csv file following the student or teacher template provided here.
Requesting Admin Access
With great power comes great responsibility. As such, admin access for an account must be requested by contacting us directly. for licenses already in use. New accounts can request an admin be assigned when submitting purchase orders.